Over 52,000 people call our region home.
Foundation for Community Health serves a rural 17 town region where northwest Connecticut and the Greater Harlem Valley meet.

Salisbury, Connecticut, one of 17 towns served by Foundation for Community Health.
Photo by Anne Day.
Our place is a special one.
Natural beauty and tight-knit towns have created a strong sense of place, but with a relatively small and disperse population our region is also impacted by:
- A small social sector
- Limited town and state spending
- Underdeveloped public transportation, broadband, and cellular service
- Hidden poverty
Conditions that influence health
A person’s well-being is powerfully influenced by factors outside of medical care such as access to food, safe and stable housing, and the opportunity for positive childhood experiences.
Poverty is rising as the number of part-time residents in our region increases. This creates community engagement challenges and exacerbates the existing barriers to affordable housing. Access to housing is a powerful determinant to health, it also has generational effects on wealth. On average 45% of renters in our community pay more than 35% of their income on housing.
As young adults and working-age families leave the region, the share of older adults and number of minority and foreign-born residents has increased. While the overall loss of population corrodes the workforce of a community, it also depletes the tax base for public schools.
In our region the median household income is $72,000 per year, however, there are significant variations between towns. For instance, 7 out of 17 towns have median household incomes below their state’s median household income. Income is one of the most influential social determinants of health. All levels of income are affected by economic conditions – as middle class and upper middle-class households experience poorer health outcomes than their richer peers.
Despite a rich agricultural history, a significant portion of our community is food insecure.
Approximately 12% of households in our region receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). We know that households with children are more likely than others to be food insecure, and adults in households with children experience the most severe form of food insecurity. Nationally, the number of food insecure seniors is expected to grow significantly in the next decade. Food insecurity is correlated with obesity, and other diet related chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, as well as long-term complications that can develop from these diseases. Food security also impacts academic performance in children.
Explore our communities
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Focus areas

Center of Falls Village, Connecticut.
Photo by Anne Day.
Our Place-Based Focus
Our region includes organizations with varying geographic scopes. Generally, we prioritize committing unrestricted grant funds to organizations with a concerted focus on our catchment area. We believe that these grants enable organizations to address their most critical needs and opportunities as they arise and improve conditions for the residents that live in our 17-town rural region.
We have also provided program-restricted funding to organizations with a larger geographic footprint, recognizing that creating change often requires efforts beyond our local community. Historically this has included support for advocacy and network-based initiatives.
Our aim is to balance local impact with broader regional or statewide initiatives that benefit our community.
We also understand that determining a nonprofit’s geographic eligibility can be cloudy at times. Please contact FCH’s Program Lead, Sarah Allyn, with any questions related to this topic.
Explore past grants
Learn more about our grantee partners and work happening throughout our region.