Balancing Our Local Focus and Broader Impact

Center of Falls Village, Connecticut.
Photo by Anne Day.
Our region includes organizations with varying geographic scopes. Generally, we prioritize committing unrestricted grant funds to organizations with a concerted focus on our catchment area. We believe that these grants enable organizations to address their most critical needs and opportunities as they arise and improve conditions for the residents that live in our 17-town rural region.
We have also provided program-restricted funding to organizations with a larger geographic footprint, recognizing that creating change often requires efforts beyond our local community. Historically this has included support for advocacy and network-based initiatives.
Our aim is to balance local impact with broader regional or statewide initiatives that benefit our community.
We also understand that determining a nonprofit’s geographic eligibility can be cloudy at times. Please contact FCH’s Program Lead, Sarah Allyn, with any questions related to this topic.
We work so that all aspects of our community support the conditions required for health, well-being, and equity. While we utilize a broad range of strategies to meet our mission, there are some initiatives and activities that the foundation does not fund.
We fund
- Organizations or initiatives consistent with the mission, vision, values, and funding priorities of the foundation
- Organizations or fiscally sponsored projects with IRS 501(c)3 tax exempt status
- State and municipal agencies
We do not fund
- Organizations or projects that do not benefit residents in our geographic area
- Individuals, Endowments, Private Foundations, Service Clubs or Membership Organizations
- Fundraising events, including direct mail campaigns
- Debt retirement, operating deficits, or after-the-fact support
- Programs by faith-based institutions that have a spiritual and/or theological component
- Organizations or projects that unlawfully discriminate with regard to employees, volunteers, delivery of programs or services, or clients served based on age, sex, religion/creed, race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, marital status, military or veterans’ status, pregnancy, genetic information or any other basis

Photo of Cornwall, Connecticut one of 17 towns served by FCH.
Photo by Lazlo.
Current opportunities

Staff of Brooker Memorial. Brooker is a long-standing grantee partner of FCH, through their School-Based Oral Health Program which serves several school districts in Litchfield County.
Photo by Anne Day.
How to apply
Explore past grants
Learn more about our grantee partners and work happening throughout our region.
Explore grants