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Addressing Nonprofit Critical Needs through Rapid Response Grants

Strengthen Organizations
General Operating Support
Organization: St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Comida de Vida
Grant: $10,000
Grant Year: 2020
County: Dutchess
State: NY

The mission of Comida de Vida is to provide fresh, nutritious food weekly for our neighbors in need, including vegetables grown in the on-site, and to offer information and referrals for long-term improvement in their lives and health. Funds will be used to exclusively support the construction of a three-season structure that will enable the food pantry to distribute food effectively and safely during COVID and many years to come.

Why We Funded This

Recognizing impact and anticipating severe increase in demand for food distribution, St. Thomas Episcopal Church’s Comida de Vida was one of several organizations whose activities and efficacy were harmed by the pandemic and received supplemental funding to minimize decrease in operations to continue to serve their clients.