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Building a Fair Food Initiative

Strengthen Organizations
Coalitions & Collaboratives
Organization: North East Community Center
Grant: $89,441
Grant Year: 2024
County: Dutchess
State: NY

Funding was granted to the Tri-Corner Nutrition Security Coalition, a coalition led by North East Community Center, to implement recommendations generated from a recent coalition led planning process.

North East Community Center has worked effectively for over the last 15 years to improve food access in the northeast region of Dutchess County. In the last 5 years, their efforts have expanded to support a formal regional nutrition security coalition. With next steps identified for their Fair Food Initiative, the Coalition will identify regional capacity needs to improve nutrition access in our region.

Why We Funded This

Officially formed in 2022, the Tri-Corner Nutrition Security Coalition, comprised of stakeholders from agriculture, public health, human services, and other food access organizations, has significantly moved the needle in utilizing collaborative regional strategies to address food insecurity. Funding this initiative holds potential for profound regional impact by advancing network experimentation with new service models for equitable food aggregation and distribution while considering sustainable place-based solutions.